1031 Exchange Services

1031 Exchanges For Enhanced Tax Savings.

Cost segregation studies and 1031 Exchanges are two of the most valuable tax strategies available to real estate owners today. MSC professionals often utilize a strategy that combines both tools. Working with MSC, property owners may reduce operating expenses and defer capital gain taxes.

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What Is A 1031 Exchange & How Does It Work?

As amended under the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (TCJA), Section 1031(a) states the general rule that no gain or loss is recognized on the exchange of real property held for productive use in a trade or business or for investment.

What Is a 1031 Exchange and how does it work?

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What doesn’t qualify as exchangeable property under Section 1031?

What doesn’t qualify as exchangeable property under Section 1031?

Most 5 and 7 year personal property does not qualify. Owners must calculate the gain on this type of property separately and pay tax. Since this property is no longer part of the 1031 exchange, there is no need to look into the purchased asset to see if there is similar property to in which to exchange.

How do you offset this taxable gain?

A portion of the new cash and debt spent for the replacement property qualifies for Bonus Depreciation. A cost segregation study of the additional “boot” that has been paid should be conducted to determine the amount. MSC has a proven strategy for this type of scenario.


Let’s Get Started.

Contact us today to find out how we capture extraordinary tax benefits for all types of entities.